I made this vertical DISCIPLES OF UMEX poster on Manga Studio 5. Basically a fun promotional piece for the LORDS OF THE COSMOS villains to get into the act of marketing, when they aren’t killing people!
I was very happy with this new digital composition poster I made on Manga Studio 5 to promote my 2015 appearance as a featured guest artist at SETSUCON!
My guest appearance just went online here.
Check it out and enjoy!
So without much fanfare, I have been learning how to use Manga Studios 5 and GIMP to create show posters for my comic conventions. I have to give Brian Allen www.flylanddesigns.com credit for pushing me to learn more than I was used to. Brian held my hand on the Setsucon poster, and then just turned me loose, and I’ve been learning and experimenting for a few hours per week all year since January. Using my existing artwork, and then adding backgrounds, effects and text has been a great way to explore a more “graphic arts” angle to my work. I have been trying to keep each one unique and fun at the same time. Here are my current posters, oldest at the bottom, newest at the top…
After over two years of service, I am retiring my “Demon Cat” Banner for my new color “Death’s Head” as a show backdrop. “Demon Cat” been an awesome way to attract people to my art world, but that illustration is over three years old, and it is time to update and upgrade to some newer work, and show off a bit in the process.
Here is the new art as a banner, old retired banner….and a photo of the old banner in action!
So a project that I initiated 12 months ago finally paid off when a conversation with Dark Horse writer Tim Truman turned into my “Tower of the Elephant” pinup this winter and Dark Horse Editor Philip Simon put my artwork of Conan The Barbarian into KING CONAN Issue #5 of #6 “Conan the Conqueror” that came out in June 2014, I just got my copy last weekend, so I’m playing catch up here on it.
Thanks to Dani Kaulakis for the awesome job coloring it.
So here is the art as it appeared in a 1/4 page shot of glory in the book, the full sized artwork with colors from Dani Kaulakis, and the cover to the issue that it appears in.
You can read my write ups on the original art pencils here and inks here.
Now I am a “Dark Horse Art Contributor” .. so get out there and get a copy so I can sign it for you!
So here is the new cover for my latest project- THE ART OF JASON LENOX VOLUME #2 ….the follow up to my first art book in 2012. Which now make it a series, and that is really cool.
So- if you are reading this, and dig my work, and you know that is a killer cover, hit up the kickstarter link here and donate a few bucks and get some awesome swag from yours truly!
I also want to give props to graphic arts student Aaron Wharton for the execution of this in Photoshop, I would be lost without his expertise.
You can read Aaron’s musings at
2014 means some awesome conventions that I’ll be at, and since I identify as the “Metal Artist” on the con circuit, just like last year, I needed a metal themed tour shirt for the fans, and this year is no different- and super local graphic artist Andy Mylin took my wishes to make a JUDAS PRIEST Themed Jason Lenox shirt into reality with some of my recent artwork. Here is the new Shirt Artwork that will be for Sale as tee shirts starting in January of 2014 via my website or with me at comic shows at my table/booth. Below are the Front and Back artwork for my 2014 theme “HELLBENT FOR INKING” and the art from Priest’s album “HELLBENT FOR LEATHER” that Andy used as a template is below all of that.
Check out Andy’s website here and contact him if you need some great graphic design and artwork in general if you dig his style- I know I do!
Enjoy some killer tee shirts in a few weeks from yours truly!
Original Judas Priest Album Cover Artwork
As we hit the home stretch of completing my “Painted Ladies of San Quentin” project, and with it, my second anthology book- “UGLI Studios Presents #2” with Brian Allen, and Joe Freistuhler, this completed wrap around colored cover just came in from Brian, who did an amazing job.
First of all, Im lucky to know this guy for two big reasons.
#1- As a fan of his art, I’m blessed to have him work his magic on my pen and inks- this piece has been waiting for color for almost a year now, and he knocked it out of the park with the antiqued look I asked him to achieve.
#2- Brian is a great friend and it has been great working with him on this anthology comic, while I’m excited to see it wrap up, I’ll miss the experience. I’ve learned alot from Brian about everything from the business of art, to the highs and lows of the convention world and lots of small tech tips from pens to networking. For all of that- I am eternally grateful as well!
So check out my pencils, inks and the final colors Brian Allen added on the wrap around cover part of this upcoming comic from UGLI STUDIOS!
And hit up Brian on facebook here and see what other wild stuff he is up to!
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