This is a revised image of Amazonica & Domo Arigato I worked on recently that altered some of my original concept artwork from 2016.

Started this one at SFVC and wrapped it up at Hershey Comic Con during some downtime. I really enjoy drawing Mordantix… after LOTC issue five, I am not sure if I will have many more opportunities to see the big cyborg cannibal in action, but such is life as a villain! Get the latest issue of Lords of the Cosmos to find out more!
Tiedemes, Aviteus & Felinex’s group cover appearance gets a fresh look for the upcoming release of Lords of the Cosmos #5 on Kickstarter. This was another older cover that I wanted a fresh chance to give the characters a more dynamic presentation vs. the original version I did a few years ago. Thinking about “How to Draw Comics the MARVEL Way” here with giving the same content in a more exciting way… that book always helps put my thoughts in order decades later.
Mordantix’s cover appearance gets a fresh look for the upcoming release of Lords of the Cosmos #5 on Kickstarter. This was another older cover that I wanted a fresh chance to give the character a more vertical orientation to his image that seemed more in line with a comic cover dimensions.
Stinger’s cover appearance gets a fresh look for the upcoming release of Lords of the Cosmos #5 on Kickstarter. I was never really 100% on the old cover, so this was a great chance to add some more anthropomorphic elements to this insectoid character.
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