Working on an entry for the Badge Contest at Setsucon, the Penn State Anime Expo, and my first show of the year to be at locally every year!  Rocking an old school anime theme, inspired by some of my favorite 80’s anime.  You can read about Setscuon here and the badge art contest here !   The theme for the contest is childhood memories, so I designed the show mascot girl like she was in something like Dirty Pair, Project A-Ko or Bubblegum Crisis.  I put her in the snow with a soviet soldier style winter outfit to complete the winter time theme of the January date for the event.

Below are my final inks  and pencils for this project, I hope to see you at Setsucon 2015 on January 24th and 25th at the Penn Stater Convention Center!


Final Inks for Project


Final Inks Jason Lenox Setsucon Badge Entry















Pencils for Project


Jason Lenox Setsucon 2015 Badge Entry Pencils