Category: Tee Shirt & Fashion Art

O.J. Simpson- 1997 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

Classic Tee Shirt Art from 1997 – Some great detail and caricature style art, very much like some of the classic MAD! Magazines I enjoyed as a kid.  Bascially it is a collage of things that caught my attention in 1997.

Derek Riggs Tribute- 1995 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

A great tee shirt art from me- via Derek Riggs of Iron Maiden Fame- more of a tribute type art than anything else- this is an iconic image to me, and at the time, a real challenge to pull this off.

Demonic Golf Outing- 1995 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

 This was some more artwork I did in college for Lambda Chi Alpha- this was a Joseph Michael Linsner Inspired Monster- combined with our Annual Golf Outing.  I like this piece alot, and for golf, it’s pretty cool.

Greek Week 1994- Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

A great image from 1994- inspired by Sergio Aragone- how much detail and little odd stuff could I stuff into this drawing- this drawing still reminds me of a time when I always felt more was better- and sometimes it still is, as evidenced by this piece- great stuff.



SLAYER Tribute – 1994 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

Very much done with the classic SLAYER Album “Reign in Blood” in mind- this was a fraternity tee shirt design done around 1994.

Guy Taking a Leak- 1992


One of my favorite images for a laugh- just a guy taking a piss on the world.  Bold, yet simple- this summed up my opinion of the world around 1992.  I think this made a tee shirt appearance at some point.

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