Category: Satanic Artwork

Babylon the Great 6 of 8

Babylon the Great 5 of 8

Babylon the Great 4 of 8

Babylon the Great 3 of 8

Babylon the Great 2 of 8

Babylon the Great 1 of 8


A client commission… Nibbly the Satanic cat tribute

Mercy West- Satanist

This is a project that was inspired by checking out some of Mercy West’s fans doing some artwork of her with a coat of arms. Mercy is a sex worker and Satanist, so I wanted to create something with her, and this is the result. A demonic Mercy in her boudoir… and the Satanic Flag on the wall behind her. I also made a variant with her “MW” Logo. You can check Mercy West out online easily on Twitter by clicking here to see what they are about.

Mercy West- Satanist with Satanic Flag
Mercy West – MW Logo Flag
Variant Mercy West with MW Logo

Satanic Flag

Part of the “Mercy West Project” was designing and creating a Satanic Flag… loosely based on my own heritage Scottish “Rampant Lion” flag… this time, I put in Baphomet as opposed to the classic Lion.

Rosie the Devil Dog

New Satanic pet commission to raise some money for @MorrisAnimal . If you want to help …donate some coin to help a deserving animal at

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