Category: Pen & Ink

“Aizan” – Pinup; Final Inks

The final inks for my Aizan: The Demo Pinup for Shawn Alleyne’s new project which you can find on Kickstarter.  I changed up the back wall to make go higher beyond the filed of view to accentuate the height of the fall or jump from Aizan onto the soldiers below.  The stark blank and whites really brought out the chiaroscuro effect I had been playing with on my experiment post the other week, this combined with the creative camera angle really plays well together.  I really loved Aizan’s anatomy with the old school euro style inking, which makes it look fast and fluid (like the character) but gave it almost wood printing block look that I started building on with the cover to Ugli Studios Presents #2 (the wrap around American flag cover) – which if anything I was inspired to do from the classic artwork in the old “Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks” from my childhood, which all featured some incredible British pen and ink artists- so thanks to all of them for the memories and inspiration for my current work! I’m really excited and proud for Shawne, so I really wanted to give him something that would take his character, Aizan, and my work to another level in layout, perspective, anatomy, shading and inking, I feel I met my personal goals on this pinup!



Ink Experiment

 A small pen and ink experiment to work out some textures and shadowing ideas I’ve been thinking on… some Chiaroscuro… an Italian term which literally means ‘light-dark’ ,  and some negative space work on the feet to go with the cleaner texture on the animal skull.  We’ll see if I can use some of these tricks in my future pen and ink work.


“Death Goddess” – Final Inks

The final inks on the long running Death Goddess poster/pinup.  If you are donating $30 to my Kickstarter for the ART OF JASON LENOX : COLLECTION #1- you will get an autographed print of this painstaking pen and ink illustration!



S.C.A.R. Derby- Happy Valley Dolls vs. Crown City Rollers – Nov 10th, 2012 Bout Poster- Inks with Final Edits v.3

The “final” inked version of the promo poster for the S.C.A.R. Happy Valley Dolls November bout- cleaned up, offensive material deleted, safe for kids.  Everyone is happy and content.  The colored version will be around town before you know it!  IF YOU ARE A FAN, and you see this poster around town- take a picture of you with the poster and email it to me, and you will receive a prize!



The Painted Ladies of San Quentin- UGLI STUDIOS PRESENTS #2 Complete Wrap Around Cover- Inks

The Complete Wrap Around Cover: I think the old time Flag really brought this image home by unifying the image.  I also felt the image tells the story and gives us a look at the style and imagery of this project (an old 19th century “engraved look”), and a “who’s who” of all of our characters in San Quentin. Finally, I thinkwhat the second issue of UGLI STUDIOS PRESENTS is all about- unique artwork done at a high level of detail, with new takes on older story styles (in this case the classic western genre)- while also being a solid cover that also doubles as a great print/poster to promote the project!

~ Viva UGLI!!





The Painted Ladies of San Quentin- UGLI STUDIOS PRESENTS #2 Front Cover Closeup- Inks

 The inked front cover to complete the Wrap Around poster cover of UGLI STUDIOS PRESENTS #2- Featuring our Protagonist Elijah Holman, and Antagonist Jessica Belmont in front of the 1850 U.S. Flag.  The hardest elements to draw turned out to be the best- the old revolver, the silk hand fan , and Jessica’s evil face- with a touch of fun/sexiness- all worked, and really made this image pop. Hello “Painted Ladies of San Quentin” and the beginning of USP #2!





The Painted Ladies of San Quentin- UGLI STUDIOS PRESENTS #2 Back Cover Closeup- Inks

The inked back cover to USP #2.  I tried to go for very little solid black, and really work to have a lined set of textures like an old engraving to give it an old time, antiqued look.  The Star Field on the flag was a pain to stiple, but I thought it really was a nice backdrop that looked like an old weathered flag.


“Infect Scranton” – Zombie Print ; Final Inks

Final version (thanks David Paul!) with inks and lettering for the INFECT SCRANTON Show I am doing next month on 9/22/12.  This will be for sale in a print, and it may show up in some RPG stuff as well.  I was pleased with the changes on the right hand (see pencils below) and the general textures and the 3 areas of body damage.  Overall I liked the gloss look I got on the blood using just blacks, as well as the look of the arm tendons, face muscles, intestines inside the areas of body damage.  Also, of note- I loved the wrinkles I got into the tank top, it makes the clothes pop in my opinion.



The Painted Ladies of San Quentin- Character Study/Poster and Cover to UGLI STUDIOS PRESENTS #2; Inks

The inks on this project have been some of the hardest I have ever done, lots of liquid paper, lots of mistakes and lots of edits.  I’m not totally sold with the final piece for this, so I might correct it and or redo the piece. but’s it been hard to get this far on this project- If anything, it’s a good character style analysis and study for outfits, themes and costumes/clothing.


Vandalettes of Vero Beach – “Not Another Zombie Apocalypse!” Women’s Roller Derby Poster – Final Inks

The Final inks for the Vandalettes of Vero Beach Fall Flat Track Roller Derby Match….. The evolution of this piece from Pencil, to Line Inks, to Final Shading- I give you…

                         “Not ANOTHER Zombie Apocalypse!!”


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