GUNSTAR ONE Taking on the Ko-Dan Armada as Commander Kril watches on! Final inks were complex on the machinery and ships as well as the alien Kril, but of the entire piece the explosions were the hardest part to pull off.
Following up on Last Year’s Medusa Mythological Creature poster- here are the Nordic Valkyries. A fun project to make, and I was please on the composition and how the pencil part of the project turned out- the 3 Valkyries and Odin’s two Ravens all really became unique characters with personality in this artwork!
Without further fanfare- RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES!
So here are the final inks for my “Brundlefly” commission/pinup.
I am continuing a stylistic experiment in my inking with more large areas of black to build out my detailed areas- this is another step in that process.
I am really happy with the blacks highlighting the telepod chamber and the creature’s lit anatomy. Overall, I think the final product turned out very well as a completed pen and ink.
Another commission for a client- this one is from the 1986 Sci Fi film- THE FLY which had some great practical special effects with the transformation of the main character into a fly-human hybrid, the “Brundlefly”. So for this project, I wanted to highlight the creature which plays to my inking skills to really make the grotesque come to life, and I wanted to show the iconic teleportation pod.
From a composition & lighting viewpoint, I wanted to back light the creature and make some large dark areas of solid black, so you can see my backlit lighting layout in the blank spaces coming out of the right side of the Brundlefly and the left side is just a small lit outline.
So without further fanfare- here are my finished pencils for “THE FLY”
“Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!”
Another great commission for a client- MAD MAX 2- THE ROAD WARRIOR! I was told to make a pinup based on this movie using any elements from the film I felt would work- So I made a list of my favorites- and came up with Lord Humungus, Wez, Toadie and the Vehicles that Humungus drives around with the two hostages tied to the front. After playing with the composition a bit, I used the same tilted background with the vehicle to show that off with Humungus and Wez paired up in the foreground. I really liked how it turned out and I really am excited to ink this project soon!
So I reached out to “Mick the Nerd” from the Howard Stern Show about doing some art with him for his comic project they talked about on the show– you can hear the whole interview here
Mick was really cool about it and we decided to do a joint cover for his comic- he did the right half, and I did his character “Archangel Michael” on the left side.
Hopefully Mick can join me at a show so we can both sign copies of this for the fans- thank you Mick for including me in your comic book projects!
Here is the final collaboration, and his reference art I worked off of.
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