Month: November 2011

“The Great Vermin”- Return to Comics – 2011; Page 4


“The Great Vermin”- Return to Comics – 2011; Page 3

Guns, Flame Thowers and Violence- THE GREAT VERMIN!!

“The Great Vermin”- Return to Comics – 2011; Page 2

More GREAT VERMIN goodness!

“The Great Vermin”- Return to Comics – 2011; Page 1

Not having touched sequential art since 1992’s “Captain Anarchy”, the next monkey to get off my back was to do a comic, and get it published.  As of now, this hasn’t happened YET, but thanks to my creative muse- David Paul.  I think we have a long future of making great comics together.  After talking to dozens of people to work with, I found David on the old Heavy Metal online message board (now closed!) and we somehow found a way to work together, and decided to brand ourselves as UGLI STUDIOS and make comics for our favorite mag- Heavy Metal.  I wont include the awesome lettered and colored pages by David (script and lettering) and Dani Kaulakis (Digital color goddess) until we have a shot to get them in front of some publishers but I think “THE GREAT VERMIN” is on fire- and is a great setting for future adventures.  And I love the main character “Veer”- and his hands do look great!  Check out Dani, David and UGLI’s links on my friend list!

Trap Jaw- Masters of the Universe Villains 2011

Here are the pencils and inks for TRAP JAW, my second Masters of the Unvierse Villain.  I realized after the fact, I had his robot arm on the wrong side, so MOTU perfectionists, chill out.  It still looks pretty good in my opinion!  Hoping to get to my girl, Evil Lyn, next!

Vandalettes of Vero Beach~ “Punk Rollers”- 2011

Since my foray into 8 year old soccer didnt work- My Sister in Law asked me to make this piece for her friend Kelly who is in a women’s roller derby team in Vero Beach Florida- I thought this turned out great, and was a nice logo for their team.  My new creative partner, David Paul, did the custom font and lettering for them.  Unlike the kid’s soccer league they wanted it “hardcore”- so this was a perfect project for me to do for them.  Check out their team’s website on my “friends” links.

Zero Charisma- Final Inks & Poster 2011

Here is the final inked art- done in one week- and Andrew’s final poster/promo art with Actor Sam Eidson in it.  The trailer and website for this movie are in my links section.  If it gets made, I get a credit in a film, so look out Hollywood.  This job turned out great, and has been a personal and professional catalyst for me as an artist- Thanks Andrew and Katie, I’ll never forget that you gave me a chance and believed in me!

Zero Charisma- The Pencil Works – 2011

So- I was struggling to do this, and then a wall broke down, and “pow” these pencils came out, and I loved them- the work speaks for itself! 

“Zero Charisma” – Movie Poster Concept 2011

Now at this point, I was still fired up- but, a samurai without direction is nothing but a masterless “Ronin”.  So in May 2011, I got an email from Indie GOGO about a fundraiser for the movie about the greatest Dungeon Master of all Time- this made me laugh and I wrote Andrew Matthews & Katie Graham (directors/producers/creators) of this film , Zero Charisma, a note asking If I could help.  And Lo and Behold he wrote back and said they very much needed some help with some pen and ink fantasy work for a fundraising packet and poster- and I would have one week to produce a poster based on a sketch idea he had.  A real client and a deadline, right up my alley, so I just had to produce- And your humble narrator did produce- so Thanks Andrew and Katie for believing in me and turning me loose.  When your film gets financed, I look forward to blowing your mind again.  Save me a seat at the premiere.

Here is the concept from Andrew-


Lunachicks 2010

 My Sister in Law, Rebecca, asked me to make a logo for my niece’s 8 and under soccer team “The Luna Chicks”- because they are crazy girls who are 8- but you get it.  Anyway, Rebecca told me I was a great artist and the kids would love it- well I made this and it was too intense for the kids- and they didnt use it.  But it was nice to have people asking for work again, and I thought it was a cool logo- even for 8 year old girls.

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