Another fun piece for conventions. Hello Kitty goes full Satan.

I am excited to announce the pre-launch link for Lords of the Cosmos #5 is now live on @Kickstarter !!!
Please share and spread the word while I get to work on the project.
#LordsoftheCosmos #independentcomics #selfpublishing #Kickstarter
Here is a “Big Announcement” for everyone. I was asked to do a piece for the 2022 Baltimore Comic-Con Yearbook again this Fall. This year they are highlighting Jill Thompson’s SCARY GODMOTHER while crossing over with the yearbook artist’s own characters, which in my case was GENERAL BAPHOMET from The Satanic Coloring Book! They seemed like a natural pairing, so hopefully they can go out and have fun in downtown Baltimore after the show!
The original pencils will be auctioned off in October at Baltimore Comic-Con This was a really fun mash-up, hope to see you in Charm City in a few months! #Baltimorecomiccon #SatanicColoringBook #ScaryGodmother
Digital Colors by the amazing Dario Fas Marin
This is a project I did for my friend D.W. Kann at Darkside Media for his project Zadar the Savage. This should be out to the public this summer in his next Kickstarter campaign!
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