The DISCIPLES OF UMEX take the battle to the lands of Aiden in the kingdom of GEMSPIRE! Fun to get these characters into action blowing things up!
So back in October, I did the first page of LORDS OF THE COSMOS while I was in Florida on a medical emergency with my wife- you can see that page here.
After 17 other pages being done out of sequence to introduce 40+ heroes and villains from the project and two big logos, lets get back on track to page 2- a focus on the planet AIDEN, as seen from a close up over the rings of the planet. This was a challenge to get another exciting and non repetitive view of a planet- I used some NASA photos to get away from another wide shot of the planet- from page one and the logo design. I think this panel works to move the viewer over the rings to help transition into the atmosphere.
The pages shifts to a planet side wide view shot of GEMSPIRE CITY- capitol of the civilized people of the world of AIDEN.
I took visual cues from Alex Raymond’s gorgeous cityscapes from his seminal FLASH GORDON Sunday Comics work in the 1930’s. I also took some reference from 1980’s film version of FLASH GORDON’s version of MINGO City and 1984’s ARAKEEN City from David Lynch’s adaptation of Dune. I also threw some Greek, and Egyptian architectural work into the city and I hid the Penn State University Legal building (which looks weird as hell) into the many levels of the city. All of these sources build the DNA for Gemspire from a visual sense, but I felt I kept it very original. At the same time, the city had to look and seem functional and have some items that will be important to the story- the pipeline system and high docking bridges for the small flying vehicles you see around the top of the city.
So without further fanfare- enjoy this fantastic set of visuals from a world a million light years from Earth!
The final Disciples of Umex character study, and also the last of the character pages for this project-
Umex’s top two inside the cult organization- the evil sister of Queen Prizym, the black magic worshipping OBSIDIA and the twisted traitor of the land of mystic creatures the cyborg terror known as CY-CORN.
This took three days from start to finish- it seemed like I had no direction, and then it just took off and I really loved the final result- below are my final pencils, and some in production sketches and then two of my tracing paper studies to capture my sketches for transfer to a final board… without further fanfare- OBSIDIA & CYCORN!
This was a fun commission from Setsucon I created for my friend Jeremy of him and his daughter as a family of cannibals!
The artwork is self explanatory and very fun to create. While the final artwork is not as polished as most of my pencil work this one shot really has that convention energy and urgency that working under a time limit brings out in me.
Here is the artwork…
…and a photo of Dad and Daughter with me at the show!
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