Lords of the Comsmos- Colored Art Chapter 2

Just got this in for Chapter 2 of Lords of the Cosmos… Colors by Dani Kaulakis… Lords of the Cosmos Jason Lenox Chapter 2

Maki is Taarna 2015 Pinup Art- Pencils

What started off as a conversation on facebook about my friend Maki Roll asking people “what should she wear as a costume?”  and me saying “Taarna from 1981’s Heavy Metal” has turned into a full blown experiment in artwork,cosplay and artist alley commerce where Maki is going to build a Taarna costume and I will create artwork of her as the character with the classic bird/steed that Taarna rides around on.  Our plan is to jointly debut and sell this as a print at Awesome Con May 29-31 in Washington DC at my Artist Alley Table with Maki being dressed at Taarna for the event!

So check out Maki’s fan page on facebook here and her website store is here.

Here are the final pencils for the project…

Maki Roll is Taarna Heavy Metal Movie Jason Lenox























Below are my figure studies for Maki and the Bird



Maki Roll is Taarna Figure Study Heavy Metal Movie Jason Lenox .

Maki Roll is Taarna Bird Study Heavy Metal Movie Jason Lenox

Lords of the Cosmos – Cy-Corn Commission

A commission I did at Nittany Con of the Cybernetic Unicorn villain Cy-Corn from Lords of the Cosmos.

Another difficult character design to pull off, but very rewarding to get done for my client… who was the same gentleman that commissioned the Mordantix artwork I made in November 2014.

You can see that 2014 artwork here to see the other Lords of the Cosmos commission.


Cycorn from Lords of the Cosmos Jason Lenox



News Article from the Williamsport Sun Gazette – April 2015

Presented without commentary…

Jason Lenox in the Williamsport Sun Gazette

Lords of the Cosmos Page 30 Pencils

The end of Chapter 2 of LOTC- and the end of Phase one of my work on this project- Umex finally goes Head to Head with Aegeus as we end it on a cliffhanger… Time to take a break from this comic for a while and work on some pinups and posters, but don’t worry Lords of the Cosmos will be coming at you in the next few comics (Ugli Studios Presents #3 and #4 and then Lords of the Cosmos Volume #1) I create in 2015 as the finished versions of these 30 pages become actual stories you can enjoy!

Here is the final art for this page and my thumbnails and layouts

Lords of the Cosmos Page 30 Jason Lenox

2015-03-21 234954


2015-03-21 234818

2015-03-21 234708

UGLI STUDIOS PRESENTS #3 Color Cover Artwork

Introducing the New Comic Cover for Ugli Studios Presents #3 Featuring the DISCIPLES OF UMEX from LORDS OF THE COSMOS!
Thanks to Dani Kaulakis for the outstanding color work and layout job on the cover!
Check out the Kickstarter HERE to support the project!
Ugli Studios Presents #3 Jason Lenox

Lords of the Cosmos Page 29 Pencils

Page 29 of Lords of the Cosmos… almost wrapped on phase one, one more page to go. Aegeus hears and sees the world wide emergency message from King Yuril, and assembles his flight crew to move out the Lords of the Cosmos team into action on board one of their huge VTOL transports….

Lords of the Cosmos Page 29

Lords of the Cosmos Page 16-C Pencils

The last of the Disciples of Umex attacking the people of Planet Aiden. Ending with a closeup of Umex doing a personal execution with his tentacle arm.  Really hard page to pull off, but I was very proud of how this jam packed series of images turned out.

Lords of the Cosmos Page 16-C Jason Lenox

Disciples of Umex – Promotional Poster

I made this vertical DISCIPLES OF UMEX poster on Manga Studio 5.  Basically a fun promotional piece for the LORDS OF THE COSMOS villains to get into the act of marketing, when they aren’t killing people!

Disciples of Umex Poster Jason Lenox


Lords of the Cosmos Page 16-B Pencils

More assorted carnage from the DISCIPLES OF UMEX in the pages of LORDS OF THE COSMOS… attacking civilians across the various lands of Planet Aiden…  Really fun to get the full body of MORDANTIX into panel #2.

Lords of the Cosmos Page 16-B Jason Lenox

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