Lords of the Cosmos Chapter 2, Page #3 Pencils

Two page spread wraps up here.

Umex’s army gathers by his command… LordsoftheCosmos chapter2 page 3 jason lenox

Lords of the Cosmos Chapter 2, Page #2 Pencils

Part of a kick ass old school DC comics two page spread showing Axiom Mountain- Some of Umex’s various Engines of War and some of Umex’s front line shock troops from his Disciples!


Lords of the Cosmos Chapter 2 page 2

Lords of the Cosmos Chapter 2, Page #1 Pencils

Umex is back.  #lordsofthecosmos are also back in business with Chapter Two!

lords of the cosmos Jason Lenox 1

Ride of the Valkyries- Final Inks


I used a lighter inking style 3 for Valkyries, Flying Horses, and Huginn and Muninn the Ravens of Odin.  I wanted to keep this piece lighter and more ethereal with less blacks.


Jason Lenox Ride of the Valkyries

Last Starfighter: Attack on the Ko-Dan Armada Final Inks

GUNSTAR ONE Taking on the Ko-Dan Armada as Commander Kril watches on! Final inks were complex on the machinery and ships as well as the alien Kril, but of the entire piece the explosions were the hardest part to pull off.



Manticore Pencils

The extra time to do this fell in my lap, and I had everything gear up from the Chimera to do another similar piece of art- this time, into Greek Mythology with the Manticore!

This was sort of a backup composition and layout to the prior piece with the Chimera.  Similar, but different.

From Wikipedia: The Manticore (Early Middle Persian Martyaxwar) is a Persian legendary creature similar to the Egyptian sphinx. It has the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of sharp teeth (like a shark), sometimes bat-like wings, and a trumpet-like voice. Other aspects of the creature vary from story to story. It may be horned, winged, or both. The tail is that of either a dragon or a scorpion, and it may shoot venomous spines to either paralyze or kill its victims. It devours its prey whole and leaves no clothes, bones, or possessions of the prey behind


Manticore Jason Lenox

Chimera Pencils

Another exciting foray into Greek Mythology, this time- one of my favorite creatures- The Dragon, Lion, Goat headed Chimera!  In addition, bat wings and a snake for a tail.  This project was exciting to make, and it played to one of my strengths- exotic creatures!

The mini Greek Temple in the background was just to balance the composition and to give a cultural touchstone to the artwork.

From Wikipedia: The Chimera (/kɨˈmɪərə/ or /kˈmɪərə/, also Chimaera (Chimæra); Greek: Χίμαιρα, Chímaira) was, according to Greek mythology, a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of more than one animal. Usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat arising from its back, and a tail that might end with a snake’s head,[1] the Chimera was one of the offspring of Typhon and Echidna and a sibling of such monsters as Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra.


Jason Lenox Chimera from Greek Mythology

Ride of the Valkyries- Final Pencils

Following up on Last Year’s Medusa Mythological Creature poster- here are the Nordic Valkyries.  A fun project to make, and I was please on the composition and how the pencil part of the project turned out- the 3 Valkyries and Odin’s two Ravens all really became unique characters with personality in this artwork!

Without further fanfare- RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES!

Jason Lenox Ride of the Valkyries

Last Starfighter: Attack on the Ko-Dan Armada Pencils

Another classic 80’s sci-fi film being adapted to a pinup- this time- I was commissioned to do THE LAST STARFIGHTER.  Taking my favorite character- the creepy ultra detailed military leader LORD KRIL as a focus, I built the layout around him.   I really loved Kril’s costume and makeup as a kid, especially his monocle, so it was really fun to work on this individual character.  The makeup people and costume designers spared no effort on this character in 1984, so I really wanted to the Armada’s Commander  some artistic justice!

To fill out the page, and show more items that fans love from the movie-I decided to have him watching the GUNSTAR on a view screen while it attacked a swarm of his “v” shaped DECK FIGHTERS- aligned in somewhat straight rows.  This way I could have a character and the iconic vehicles fighting in space at the same time.

The hardest part about this project is the simple fact that there almost no decent photo/prop reference at all. I had to spend extra time doing research online and freeze framing my DVD to capture the extreme details of the costume and equipment specifications to get my artwork as close to accurate as possible.

I always want to make an unique composition and not just “copy a still shot” from the film, while at the same time being very accurate with the exact details & specifications from an existing media property.  Overall, I was happy that I was able to achieve both goals while paying respect to the property I loved as a kid while making an original piece of artwork that was loyal to the film, but something new for fans to enjoy on it’s own merit.

Ok true believers- time to suit up, and join the Star League to protect the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada!!

Jason Lenox Last Starfighter Ko-Dan Armada with Lord Kril

The “FLY” Brundlefly Final Inks

So here are the final inks for my “Brundlefly” commission/pinup.

I am continuing a stylistic experiment in my inking with more large areas of black to build out my detailed areas- this is another step in that process.

I am really happy with the blacks highlighting the telepod chamber and the creature’s lit anatomy.  Overall, I think the final product turned out very well as a completed pen and ink.

Brundlefly Jason Lenox

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