MD Geist Final Inks

Really wanted to use my solid black spaces to build an enviroment around this mostly black suit.  I was happy with the final result.

Jason Lenox MD Geist

1984 George Orwell Pencils

One of my favorite books, and I really wanted to design a posted based on some of the best parts of 1984.




And guess who modeled for Big Brother…. ?

1984 George Orwell Jason Lenox

MD Geist Pencils

A mecha suit from the 1980’s-  I really had fun with the odd background buildings and platform the character is standing on.  Really pleased with how this turned out.

Jason Lenox MD GEIST

Fantasy Artwork Elf and Warforged – Inks

Some fine pen and ink work really brought out the old school RPG look on this artwork!

Jason Lenox Elf and Warforged

Fantasy Artwork Elf and Warforged – Pencils

A really fun fantasy RPG style artwork I have been working on.


Elf and Warforged Fantasy Art Jason Lenox

Lords of the Cosmos Issue #2 new splash page intro pencils

BLAM- new intro page for the next issue as we wrap up the writing on issue #1


Lords of the Cosmos Issue 2 intro splash page Jason Lenox

Robocop Vs. ED-209 Commission – Final Inks

In it’s full pen and ink glory, some of my favorite childhood characters slugging it out….  Who will win?

Robocop ED209 Jason Lenox Inks

BOSSK Commission

From Wizard Philadelphia- Bossk from Empire Strikes Back…

BOSSK Jason Lenox Commission


Robocop Vs. ED-209 Commission – Final Pencils

A technically difficult project I was able to pull off.  I have always enjoyed these two characters from 1987, and so far, this has been a fun project to work on!

Robocop Vs. ED209 Jason Lenox


Joker Proposes to Harley Quinn Commission – Final Inks

Several weeks of inking…. final commission of Joker and Harley!  The solid blacks in Harley really brought the inking to life on this piece!

Jason Lenox Harley and Joker

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