Anubis and Thoth In the Egpytian Afterlife- Pencils

“Anubis and Thoth measure the Judgement of Ma’at while the Ammit waits to devour the soul of the unethical man in the afterlife” – 22″ x17″

My largest mythology piece to date with some of the coolest gods- Anubis the god of embalming and Thoth- the Ibis headed god that gave man writing!

With the demoness, Ammit, who devours the souls of the unethical… in front of a lake of fire.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!

Anubis and the Ammit

Part two of two…

Anubis and Thoth measure the Judgement of Ma’at while the Ammit waits to devour the soul of the unethical man in the afterlife – 22″ x17″ Pencil.

Thoth And the Scales of Ma’at Pencils

Part one of two…

Anubis and Thoth measure the Judgement of Ma’at while the Ammit waits to devour the soul of the unethical man in the afterlife – 22″ x17″ Pencil.


2017 Jason Lenox Tee Shirt Artwork

For the fifth year in a row- a Heavy Metal Tour Shirt with a Jason Lenox twist.

This year, SLAYER takes a turn at the Altar of LENOX!!!


Lords of the Cosmos Issue #2- Alternate Cover with Obsidia

So, I really wanted to make this “Obsidia Stabbing a Victim” our theme for the art around issue #2.  And This is my alternate P.O.V. cover version that is a nod to the revised page 5 here , as well as the pose from the revised main cover here.  And- just a bit of  “Fan Service” with one of our sexy, evil characters!



Lords of the Cosmos Issue #2 Main Cover- Revised

I made some edits to this to get it “better”- hands, face, wings on the horse etc.  These are slight changes, but I think it brought the quality of the art up a few notches.

Original version here.

Lords of the Cosmos Issue 2, Page 5 Revised Pencils

This page got some edits to bring the main action panel in the bottom left corner up to where I wanted it to be quality wise.  I did that over a year ago, and when I was working on getting the cover for issue 2 cleaned up and the alternate cover completed, this page really fell short.  You can see the original version here.

Norse Goddess Freya – Pencils

Last artwork of 2016- and this one was TOUGH!!  The chariot, perspective and cats were a challenge to say the least.

I loved how this one turned out, but it was not easy.

Enjoy Freya- the Norse Goddess of Love and War in her cat chariot, with her cloak of falcon feathers and necklace Brísingamen .

Lords of the Cosmos Sketch Covers 8-14

Part one of two of the sketch covers for the Kickstarter to LORDS OF THE COSMOS #1 which you can check out here !


Lords of the Cosmos Sketch Covers 1-7

Part one of two of the sketch covers for the Kickstarter to LORDS OF THE COSMOS #1 which you can check out here !



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