Just continuing to post my original pages from the next issue of my comic book series. You can follow the pre-launch to get ready for the new issue!

Just continuing to post my original pages from the next issue of my comic book series. You can follow the pre-launch to get ready for the new issue!
I was not really happy with the original image I had made for the upcoming Lords of the Cosmos #5 book. So I went back to the drawing board to get a more dynamic image of Zemba in action vs. just a static pose. You can see the before and after images of Zemba below. Get signed up for the pre-launch for Lords of the Cosmos #5 by clicking here!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch! Since I did some changes on the guns on the back of the turtle to a more “battleship” style… here is the updated image and the old image.
Did a Zemba sketch cover for a client recently, this was fun. The client asked me to do my version of the Khoi Pham variant cover that he did for Lords of the Cosmos #5, so it was a tribute cover to an existing Lords of the Cosmos cover… that will be coming soon HERE!
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