Zeus in a Lightning storm 1 of 3

Devil Cat

The little cat from the Satanic Wedding Scene shows up in a solo poster!  You can refer back to that wedding artwork here



Devil Nun 2

Continued exploration of the Satanic Universe I have been building.

Devil Nun

Fleshing out the Satanic Universe I have been tinkering with.  (No pun intended!)

“Wolverine Vs. Snake Eyes” Commission 22″ x 17″

The complete GI Joe Vs. X-Men Mashup featuring Wolverine and Snake Eyes!

“Wolverine Vs. Snake Eyes” Commission (2 of 2)

“Wolverine Vs. Snake Eyes” Commission (1 of 2)

“Lilith Demoness” One in a Series of Four Pieces

The completed large scale pencil image of the Demoness, Lilith.  I really wanted to give my Baphomet images a female counterpart that had some power and style as I flesh out my “Satanic Universe”


“Lilith Demoness” One in a Series of Four Pieces (4 of 4)

“Lilith Demoness” One in a Series of Four Pieces (3 of 4)

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