“1984 Ministry of Love” Pencils 1 of 2


The doomed horse of Animal Farm under one of the Rules of Animalism



Hey everyone, here is my latest convention tour shirt based on the 2003 Type O Negative album “Life is Killing Me”.  You can place your order on Etsy  HERE . The shirts will be available in late January for shipping or pickup.  The top image is the front of the shirt, and the bottom image is the back.  May you have a great 2019 and I hope to see you soon!

Front artwork

Fáfnir the Serpent 22″x17″

So I revisited my older Nidhogg effort which seemed cramped in too small a space with too many elements- you can see that effort here.

The goal here was to show a Norse Dragon in flight, so I went with the mighty Fáfnir the serpent as opposed to the Nidhogg.  I will need to revisit the Nidhogg with the world tree in the future.

Fáfnir the Serpent 22″x17″ 2 of 2

Fáfnir the Serpent 22″x17″ 1 of 2

Four Legs Good Two Legs Bad 22×17″

The combined Sheep Poster from Animal Farm.


Four Legs Good Two Legs Bad 2 of 2

Four Legs Good Two Legs Bad 1 of 2

“Animal Farm: Pincher” Pencils

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