Pusheen “Hail Satan” Pencils

A little fun project with Pusheen, the cat emoji in my Satanic line…

Kill Bill – Go Go Yubari Inks

Hand inked Go Go in India ink.

Kill Bill – Go Go Yubari Pencils

A fan art client commission from one of my favorite films of the 2000’s, Kill Bill Vol. 1.

Satanic Rabbit Pencils

Another little addition to my Satanic Creature series…

Satanic Year of the Rat 2020 Pencils

A New Decade… and it’s 2020… the Year of the Rat according to the Chinese Zodiac. And for me, it’s a Satanic Rat. Enjoy and Hail Satan you Sinners!

2020 TEE SHIRTS- “Vol. 8”

Hey everyone, here is my 8th annual convention tour shirt based on the 1972 Black Sabbath album “Vol. 4”.  You can place your order on Etsy  HERE . The shirts will be available in late January for shipping or pickup.  The top image is the front of the shirt, and the bottom image is the back.  May you have a great 2020 and I hope to see you soon!

Front Shirt Artwork
Back Shirt Artwork

LORDS OF THE COSMOS #3 Variant Wrap Around Cover Inks and Colors

The inks on my pencils by D.F. Marin and then digital colors by Jesse Heagy for the wrap around cover on Lords of the Cosmos #3. You can see the original pencils here for this project.

Final colors by Jesse Heagy

Inks for wrap around cover by D.F. Marin

Lords of the Cosmos 1-3 Color Covers

These are the regular covers for issues 1-3 of Lords of the Cosmos… there was originally just one cover for issue #3, and then it became apparent the two creatures didnt work together on one image for composition and scale, so I separated them into two covers. You can see that older image here with both characters together.

Baltimore Comic Con Yearbook Art

I was honored to be asked to make some artwork for the 2019 Baltimore Comic Con Yearbook featuring Blacksad and Stinger from Lords of the Cosmos!


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