Here is the new merged double page splash for Grizelda- thought it looked pretty sweet– Thanks to my friends at JARU for linking the pages together on photoshop!
I was really happy with the details and textures that the India ink brought out- from the wrinked zombie skin to the clothes and armor texturing I thought the whole page came together really well. Some other details to look at- the cat’s fur and the used quality of the blades in this page. The whole page reminded me alot of the old 70’s Savage Sword of Conan artwork in general.
So my “Evil Triumphs over Good with a Satanic Cat Monster” Story with David Paul topped out at a symbolic 13 pages, and with Grizelda getting petted by her consort- the Necromancer. Just makes you get all warm and fuzzy on the inside! Now that the pencils are done, I’ll begin the india ink process once I’ve had a chance to look at the pages for a week for corrections and edits- have any edits or things that you think could look better- please email me, or post with comments and thoughts- thanks!
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