Category: Satanic Artwork

Baphomet Stuffed Animal Pencils

So after working on a serious re-interpretation of the classic Eliphas Levi image of Baphomet a few weeks ago – as seen here – I wanted to be more playful and do the classic pose and character as a kids stuffed animal.

And here you go!

Classic Baphomet

I just had an urge to do the classic pose of Baphomet and tweak it like a cover song into my style…

Stolas Demonic Owl

Devil Cat 3

A third version of the Devil Cat originally from this post located here.


Another variation on the Devil Cat from this version located here.

Pig Pope of the Satanic Vatican

Fleshing out another character from my original Satanic artwork- the Pig “Pope”  you can see his first version here from 2016.

Pig Pope of the Satanic Vatican Pencils 4 of 4

Pig Pope of the Satanic Vatican Pencils 3 of 4

Pig Pope of the Satanic Vatican Pencils 2 of 4

Pig Pope of the Satanic Vatican Pencils 1 of 4

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