Category: Pen & Ink

Xerox Dogz- 2001

I made this in 2001 for a woman that was a manager at a local copy store- she lost her dog for having her two dogs at the copy shop.  I remember this piece made her laugh, and that’s worth it for losing a lousy job!

Banned Indian Chief Logo – 1998

I did this logo in 1998 as a combination of the banned Shippensburg Mascot – the Red Raider Indian Chief- and our Lambda Chi Alpha Song- “Magic Carpet Ride” by Steppenwolf.  While we never used this, I loved the basic concept, and redid it in 2011 as my own personal logo.  It makes me laugh to see our banned mascot and banned fraternity live on as this politically incorrect logo!

Bill Clinton- 1998 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

More great MAD Magazine style parody artwork for my Fraternity- basically a parody of all things that caught my attention in 1998.

Duffer’s Delight- 1997 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

Another MAD Magazine style collection for a Fraternity Tee Shirt- more pop culture and news items that caught my attention in late 1997.  Some great stuff hidden around in here.



Iron Eagle 1997- Lambda Chi Alpha Logo









O.J. Simpson- 1997 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

Classic Tee Shirt Art from 1997 – Some great detail and caricature style art, very much like some of the classic MAD! Magazines I enjoyed as a kid.  Bascially it is a collage of things that caught my attention in 1997.

General Longstreet – 1996

Confederate Civil War Figure- General Longstreet- nice stipling in the drawing.  I did this for my Dad- probably the one piece of mine that was his favorite- I realized I hated the historical art world- and never went back.  Still looks pretty bad ass for a guy from the 1860’s.

Skull and Crossbones Logo- 1995

When drinking you need a cool tee shirt, and thus a cool logo- and this was born from that- hello keg parties circa 1995 at the fraternity house!

Derek Riggs Tribute- 1995 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

A great tee shirt art from me- via Derek Riggs of Iron Maiden Fame- more of a tribute type art than anything else- this is an iconic image to me, and at the time, a real challenge to pull this off.

Demonic Golf Outing- 1995 Lambda Chi Alpha Artwork

 This was some more artwork I did in college for Lambda Chi Alpha- this was a Joseph Michael Linsner Inspired Monster- combined with our Annual Golf Outing.  I like this piece alot, and for golf, it’s pretty cool.

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