Category: Pen & Ink

“Grizelda” Page 8, Inks

Page 8 India Ink update on “Grizelda”- did some real work on the melted heroes in the top panel under the Necromancers feet, and made the heroes more detailed than the pencils that are attacking him.  Also did the same cobblestone technique from the prior page.  On the bottom panel- did some work on the arm to make it less stiff (one swinging the sword).

“Grizelda” Page 7, Inks

This is the page 7 India Ink progress for “Grizelda”- I tried a new technique for the magic blast (acid vortex?!) from the Necromancer on his foes.  I thought it had a nice effect, and I think the colorist will bring out the final vision there.  I also liked the cobble stone floor, and the guy the cat is standing on in the foreground.

“Grizelda”- Two Page Spread Merged (pages 2-3)

Here is the new merged double page splash for Grizelda- thought it looked pretty sweet–  Thanks to my friends at JARU for linking the pages together on photoshop!


“Grizelda” Page 6, Inks

The inked first image of the Great Beast in flashback mode.  From Concept, to Pencil, to ink.  Oddly, the hardest part of this work was getting the rubble to look appropriately rubble-like.

“Grizelda” Page 5, Inked

This is the 5th inked page for the Violent and Fantastic World of “Through the Eyes of Grizelda”.  I thought the zombies all turned out particularly well in both panels, and the running cat really fleshed out well with some inking.

“Grizelda” Page 4, Inked

I was really happy with the details and textures that the India ink brought out- from the wrinked zombie skin to the clothes and armor texturing I thought the whole page came together really well.  Some other details to look at- the cat’s fur and the used quality of the blades in this page.  The whole page reminded me alot of the old 70’s Savage Sword of Conan artwork in general.

“Grizelda” Page 3, Inked

Another very labor intensive page for India inking.  I thought the right side of this two page splash turned out quite well, but I’m swearing off crowds of small soldiers ever again!

“Grizelda” Page 2, Inked

Horribly labor intensive- this took forever with my pen & ink style.  Left side of my two page splash for “Grizelda”.

“Grizelda” Page 1, Inked

Through the magic of India Ink- here is the updated progress on page 1 of “Through the Eyes of Grizelda”

RPG Creature Artwork

Another RPG Creature Illustration done in my old AD&D Style.

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