Had some fun making this sketch cover last month at Zenkaikon during some downtime.

Just continuing to post my original pages from the next issue of my comic book series. This issue ending page spread was something that was in my mind for a long time before I put pencil to paper, it was harder than I thought to pull off, but I think it really hit the mark! You can follow the pre-launch to get ready for the new issue!
Just continuing to post my original pages from the next issue of my comic book series. You can follow the pre-launch to get ready for the new issue!
Just continuing to post my original pages from the next issue of my comic book series. You can follow the pre-launch to get ready for the new issue!
I was not really happy with the original image I had made for the upcoming Lords of the Cosmos #5 book. So I went back to the drawing board to get a more dynamic image of Zemba in action vs. just a static pose. You can see the before and after images of Zemba below. Get signed up for the pre-launch for Lords of the Cosmos #5 by clicking here!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch!
Working on the next issue of Lords of the Cosmos! Click here to follow the pre-launch! Since I did some changes on the guns on the back of the turtle to a more “battleship” style… here is the updated image and the old image.
Did a Zemba sketch cover for a client recently, this was fun. The client asked me to do my version of the Khoi Pham variant cover that he did for Lords of the Cosmos #5, so it was a tribute cover to an existing Lords of the Cosmos cover… that will be coming soon HERE!
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