This is a revised image of Amazonica & Domo Arigato I worked on recently that altered some of my original concept artwork from 2016.

Started this one at SFVC and wrapped it up at Hershey Comic Con during some downtime. I really enjoy drawing Mordantix… after LOTC issue five, I am not sure if I will have many more opportunities to see the big cyborg cannibal in action, but such is life as a villain! Get the latest issue of Lords of the Cosmos to find out more!
Tiedemes, Aviteus & Felinex’s group cover appearance gets a fresh look for the upcoming release of Lords of the Cosmos #5 on Kickstarter. This was another older cover that I wanted a fresh chance to give the characters a more dynamic presentation vs. the original version I did a few years ago. Thinking about “How to Draw Comics the MARVEL Way” here with giving the same content in a more exciting way… that book always helps put my thoughts in order decades later.
Mordantix’s cover appearance gets a fresh look for the upcoming release of Lords of the Cosmos #5 on Kickstarter. This was another older cover that I wanted a fresh chance to give the character a more vertical orientation to his image that seemed more in line with a comic cover dimensions.
Stinger’s cover appearance gets a fresh look for the upcoming release of Lords of the Cosmos #5 on Kickstarter. I was never really 100% on the old cover, so this was a great chance to add some more anthropomorphic elements to this insectoid character.
Orchamemnon’s cover appearance gets a fresh look for the upcoming release of Lords of the Cosmos #5 on Kickstarter.
Save the Date! Lords of the Cosmos Issue 5 launches on Kickstarter on September 10th! Sign up for a launch notification so you can back the project on day one. #lordsofthecosmos
CyCorn is shifting over to the first issue from the second issue for his revamped main cover appearance. Keep an eye out for this in the next Kickstarter for Lords of the Cosmos #5!
I decided to revamp all the old back issues of the Lords of the Cosmos for their main covers with the upcoming Lords of the Cosmos #5 coming to Kickstarter.
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