Category: Logos/Promotional Work

Radio Show Poster #2- “Committing Commercial Suicide” 1994

Another unused poster (why was I not using these gems?) from the aborted 1994 radio show- featuring my main man- Steven “Buzz Martin” Smith- who was one of the coolest dudes I knew in my fraternity and college and general- really helped get me into the metal scene- and this could be the greatest drawing of him of all time- I also like my self portrait in this poster as well- great stuff- WSYC- suck it!!

The Radio Show Poster #1 “Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll” – 1994


A never used, never published kick ass poster from my Radio show in 1994 at college that lasted 3 months before I was thrown out and not let back into the building.  Great show, great poster with alot of whiny  90’s grunge posers running the station, they couldnt handle a Real Rock and Roller/ Heavy Metal outlaw like yours truly!  WYSC-88.7- you can still suck it!

On a side note- a very cool (and accurate) self portrait of me in 1994.

Valiant Heroes Pinup-1993

Made this in 1993 for a contest with Valiant Comics- didnt win anything, but I was trying to get over a stigma from a guy who told me I didnt know how to draw hands- and he was probably right- it was one of my number one focuses ever since- I think this is some nice pinup art from an 18 year old.

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