“Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!”

Another great commission for a client- MAD MAX 2- THE ROAD WARRIOR!  I was told to make a pinup based on this movie using any elements from the film I felt would work- So I made a list of my favorites- and came up with  Lord Humungus, Wez, Toadie and the Vehicles that Humungus drives around with the two hostages tied to the front.  After playing with the composition a bit, I used the same tilted background with the vehicle to show that off with Humungus and Wez paired up in the foreground.  I really liked how it turned out and I really am excited to ink this project soon!


Mad Max Humungus Jason Lenox