Month: November 2011

Love Letter to Hajime Sorayama – 1992

One of my favorite artists of all time- Hajime Sorayama – inspired me to take on this mechanical bird with an airbrush and colored pencils.  Another 1992 portfolio builder piece, but I still really enjoy this one.  Never really delved back into this media again, but I still have my airbrush and related gear to this day.

Air Suspended in Ice – 1992

Another 1992 portfolio builder piece- a highly detailed colored pencil piece of some air bubbles suspended in ice-  some nice technical achievement on my part, and neat to look at.

Watercolor Piece- 1992

Another “portfolio builder” piece from 1992- this was a really nice watercolor of some old sneakers- I’m not a big fan of watercolor, but I can still pick it up when needed.

Soldier- 1991

A great pencil piece from back in the day- I love this guy!  I love soldiers with gas masks- great imagery- and in fact, with our project THE GREAT VERMIN- is this the first appearance of VEER?  I’d like to see this piece make an appearance as we explore that universe some more in the future!









Monstrous Alphabet – 1990

A great piece from 1990- done in ink with colored markers- a high school project to creat an alternate alphabet- so I did monsters, and frankly, this is a good piece and holds up well years later.  Funny aside to this- it was supposed to win a big award for something or other, and then the judges felt that the letter “J” was obscene- of course there was no intent on my part, but when older (read: perverted) people want to see things, you can’t stop them!  I think that really added to the fun of the piece that it got people upset, to me all these years later, that’s worth more than some stupid prize- I might revisit this concept sometime if the mood strikes me.


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