Month: November 2011

Image Inspired Carnage- 1993

Inspired by the popular comics of the time (Marvel and Image) here is a testosterone bursting image of comic fueled death an mayhem – not much point to it, but it still is pretty cool to look at- and imagine we are all back reading bad action comics from 18 years ago!

Guy Taking a Leak- 1992


One of my favorite images for a laugh- just a guy taking a piss on the world.  Bold, yet simple- this summed up my opinion of the world around 1992.  I think this made a tee shirt appearance at some point.

Captain Anarchy P. 8 – 1992

                                             Captain Anarchy- the Conclusion!

Captain Anarchy P.7 – 1992

Captain Anarchy Continues…



Captain Anarchy P. 6 – 1992

Captain Anarchy Continues…

Captain Anarchy P.5 – 1992

Captain Anarchy Continues…



Captain Anarchy P.4 – 1992

Captain Anarchy Continues…

Captain Anarchy P.3 -1992

Captain Anarchy Continues…

Captain Anarchy P.2 1992

Captain Anarchy Continues…

Captain Anarchy P.1 – 1992

A never before seen piece of work from me made in 1992 – 19 years ago.  My first stab at making sequential work, and last until David Paul and I got together to create “The Great Vermin” in 2011.  It’s nice to finally give this long lost piece of work some exposure- you can see some potential in it, and it’s good for some laughs.  It’s also nice for me personally to see what a 19 year hiatus from this kind of work meant to my ability to create by comparing this with the work in Vermin and Grizelda.

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